How do I know which Eden Clip In Thickness to Choose?


This is one of our most frequently asked questions and we are here to answer it for you today gorgeous!

Question: How do I know which Clip In Thickness to Choose?

Choosing your perfect Eden Clip In thickness is super simple and easy. There are 2 determining factors in choosing which thickness you should get. First, the current thickness of your hair; which set will give you an undetectable blend. Second, how thick you want/like your hair to look.

You might ask, why is it important to match my hair thickness to my Eden Hair Extensions? The main reason is for blending. You want the density of your hair to match the density of the extensions. If you have thick hair, but your clip ins are intended for fine hair, you won’t have enough extensions to blend with the thickness of your own hair.

Watch this video, where we show you how to match your hair thickness to your perfect Eden Clip In set:

Eden Clip Ins come in 3 thicknesses, 120g for fine hair, 160g for medium thickness hair and 220g for thick or short hair.

All Eden Clip In thicknesses are made with the same high quality, single donor, remy human hair and will last you one year or more. The only difference is the number of grams that come with each set.

Complete this test at home to know if your hair is thin, medium-thickness or thick? Discover your perfect clip in match:

Step 1: Flip your hair to the side.

Step 2: Answer these 3 questions:

  1. Can I really see my scalp? Yes/No.
  2. Can I see some of it but not a lot? Yes/No.
  3. Can I see any of my scalp? Yes/No.

If you answered yes to question 1, you have fine hair & 120g is the perfect set for you :). If you answered yes to question 2, 160g is your go to. If you answered yes to question 3, you have thick hair and 220g will match your hair thickness perfectly.

Short Hair

If you have short hair, above your shoulders, we recommend you go with the 220g set. Reason being, is because you need more hair & thickness to blend in with your hair and soften the appearance of blunt ends or layers.

What look are you after? 

If you have fine hair, but you want to add a lot more thickness to your hair; go with the 160g or 220g set! The guide above is only to direct you to the set that will blend with the density of your hair. However, if you want a big, full look…go all out!

If you prefer a more subtle look, and your hair is not thick or short, 120g may be your perfect match. Just ensure to follow the steps above, so that you know whether it will blend with your hair.

When in doubt, go with 220 Grams! 

If your unsure and tossing between sets, we recommend going with the 220g. It is the most versatile set as it gives you the most hair to play with. You can create any hairstyle with 220g as you have enough hair and thickness to create thick, glamorous waves or a big updo! It is our go to clip in set, and we recommend it as our preferred thickness.

We hope you have found this article of benefit and that it has helped you discover which Eden Clip In thickness is perfect for you! If you are still unsure which set is right for your hair, please email us a picture of your hair at We would love to let you know which Eden thickness is the one for you!

Have a beautiful day!

Love Eden Hair Extensions.

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